INDUSTRIAL ARTS PARTNERSHIPTrue to its advocacy in bringing lifelong experience and quality Technical-Vocational-Livelihood trainings in the fields of Industrial Arts, the College of Technological Sciences-Cebu is open for partnership with schools in their area of concentration under the Joint Delivery Voucher Program (JDVP). CTS-C is committed to give her best to equip the Student Beneficiaries with the needed National Certifiction II (NC II) thus, make them ready to the world of work or further qualifcations. Contact our Joint Delivery Voucher Program (JDVP) TechVoc Director or Senior High School Principal for partnership.

N. Bacalso Avenue, Sambag I, Cebu City, Philippines, 6000
Contact Us
0945-268-9245 – Senior High School Dept.
0949-891-7562 – Tech. Voc. Dept.